Monthly Archives: April 2015

E-Sports Response

I have always wondered about the professionalization of gaming, and Taylor’s book definitely helped to sort out some of the threads. Like Edbo, I remember watching the twitch thing and just was amazed at how SO many people were watching it and commentating. I honestly did not understand how it was entertaining to watch. I…

Playing for Keeps, Muscle Memory, and Public Gaming Spaces

I really enjoyed Taylor’s book. A lot of her discussion on the growth of e-sports reminds me of some of the growing pains experienced by baseball in the late nineteenth century, especially some of the difficulties that come with such a decentralized format of sport. For all of the regimentation that comes with bureaucratic leagues,…

Designing Competition

Taylor’s book provided a useful and in-depth look at the emergence and evolution of e-sports. Her discussion of the culture likely helped a lot of people (or at least some people) begin to recognize the potential, or at least the significance, of e-sports. It was interesting reading about the divide between higher and lower skilled…


Back before I came out to MSU I used to do game testing. The work was all done through a third party company, so I had the opportunity to play a number of different types of games from different developers and publishers. Often these games would be in a very unfinished state, lacking final animations…

Fragmented Games

Raising the Stakes was an interesting read, taking on a historical tone more than a modern exploration of esports for me. The structure and culture of the scene seems to have not changed all that much from its inception to where it is today. It has become more structured since it started, but the style…

Staising the Rakes

I think that Taylor touches on a lot of very important issues of computer gaming in this book. The issue that I gravitate towards the most is the further development of gaming as a franchised sport. In the Gaming as Industry chapter Taylor cooly debates whether or not computer gaming will become a “well oiled…

Taylor Response

I thought the reading was interesting. At first I thought I was not going to understand a word because my knowledge of e-sports is nil. I did find it interesting how similar e-sports is to what people call real sports, like football and basketball. The athleticism, the practice, the scrutiny, the ego, etc. I really…

We eSports Now

Taylor’s book on Esports finally being an important part of competitions and not just a joke to people, like it used to be, is so refreshing. I’m sure that some people still don’t think of esports as a real thing but T.L Taylor is trying to change that and I think that they did a…

BoRT February: Single Player Co-op

I have to admit, I’m kind of weird when it comes to playing most games. Unlike a lot of people, I actually find it pretty hard to validate playing single player games on my own, although that’s not to say that I didn’t or don’t now. This is to the degree that I find it…

Raising the Stakes Response

First of all, this book gave me quite a few surprises along the way. I ha no idea that South Korea was largely interested in pro gaming, let alone being the land of the pro gamer. I assumed it would have been China or Japan. I wonder if they still are considered the leaders in…