Edbos Week 6 Rant

I found the Journal of American Oriental Society to be the most interesting. The way that the game of Wei-Chi was so often used to symbolize life issues was very indicative of the broad acceptance, and importance of the game in Chinese society. I also found it really interesting to learn that the game of Wei-Chi dates back to 900 AD, which is pretty ridiculous(ly awesome) when compared with the lifespan of of the games that we play today (Arena football).\

I also liked the reading about Card playing in China. Based on the fifteenth century primary source that the reading presents, it seems as though the Chinese were extremely fond of card games. The source tells that everyone knew how to play them, and when people learned that he did not know how to play he was “scorned for [his] stupidity.” I think we all have been in this position before, when everyone in the room knows how to play spades but you it does really make you feel like an idiot.



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